Professors from Zhejiang University visited SSM to communicate and guide the work of wood stove

2023-11-04 16:10

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Last Wednesday, Mr. Sheng, the Doctor of Engineering, professor and doctoral supervisor of School of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University and his student Professor Zhang came to our company for a visit. This is the second time Professor Sheng visiting SSM.


He noticed that our company has undergone significant changes, with our factory buildings becoming taller and more beautiful. Our 6S management project has been gradually completed, resulting in effective reorganization and optimization of our work processes, reducing unnecessary steps and time wastage. The working environment has greatly improved, leading to smoother equipment operation, a significant decrease in product defects, and a remarkable improvement in product quality. As a result, customer satisfaction has also increased. Professor Sheng greatly praised the efforts and changes we have made over the past few years. In addition, we have also talked about the future cooperation about laboratory.


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